Phone – day 50

  Phone   When I start this project 5o days ago, I knew that it would be challenging to find inspiration each day for painting and writing. Also, to find time for all of that. But, today is day 50 of my project, I’ve already accomplished 50% and I am...

Cassette – day 49

  “Cassette”   Back then, this was the recipe: 1. Find cassette with the music you like 2. Put it in deck 1 3. Put empty cassette in deck 2 4. Press play on deck 1 5. Press play/record on deck 2 6. Wait, wait, wait… 7. Congratulation  ...

Piece of cake – day 48

  Piece of cake   Today is day 48 of my project “100 days of mini art”. To be honest, sometimes it is very hard to choose what to paint, but sometimes is just piece of cake.

Little cactus – day 47

  Little cactus This little cactus have a soft heart. The lemon tree in the pot beside, thinks that it may kill him one day. I don’t.

The salt of the earth – day 46

  The salt of the earth   “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.” Gospel of Matthew, 5:13...