Day 25 – drawing of a bird house

  My old house Past few days I was guest in my parents house. Coming back in the house where I’ve spend most of my life, stirred up lots of emotions inside of me; feeling happy and sad in the same time. For today, I have decided to experiment and mix...

Day 24

  Empty There are days when I am empty. As this matchbox for example.

Day 23

  Post box It is a privilege to have friends. I am writing this post from my friends home, with post box number 2. I love you, Sasho Velagic.

Day 22

Hope There is nothing much to say. Today Hope is enough.

Day 21

  Shark I love to paint objects and give them different roles. It stirs my imagination. At the end, it is not about the object that is painted, but more the way we want to see it.