by Toni Popov | Nov 26, 2014 | Blog
Holes Cartoons are funny. When my son Viktor was 4-5, he would not eat regular cheese, just because Tom and Jerry were eating only cheese with holes. So, as a good father, I would take the knife, made holes inside and the problem would be solved. In reality, it...
by Toni Popov | Nov 25, 2014 | Blog
Drawing of chair Today is day 6 and I made drawing instead of painting. It is drawing of the chair I am sitting on when I drink my coffee in the kitchen. Actually, my lap top is on it while I am writing this now. This drawing of chair is tribute to all the...
by Toni Popov | Nov 24, 2014 | Blog
Lego brick painting “Two by four” This Lego brick painting is made on prepaid phone card. My first thought was to name it: “Tiny things that fathers step on when their children doesn’t put them where they belong”. But, since this...
by Toni Popov | Nov 23, 2014 | Blog
Red button It is day 4 since I started with my 100 days of mini art. Here I am, sitting in the kitchen and thinking what to write. Writing about my art seems to be limited and more complicated than I thought. I mean, it would have been easier if I was writing...
by Toni Popov | Nov 22, 2014 | Blog
Hearts Pencil deserves honor, because it is very important in creating a painting. It is the starter. With the pencil, the idea in the head becomes clear. It is the one that show you directions, it makes the difference between dark tones and the light and it tells...